Name Giovanni Paolo MAGGIONI 
Research Interests  Giovanni Paolo Maggioni studies and teaches Medieval Latin Literature and Medieval Philology. In his works he uses a strictly neolachmannian philological perspective that upheld him in unraveling and reconstructing intricate manuscript traditions (such as the so-called Golden Legend of James de Voragine in the volume  Ricerche sulla tradizione manoscritta della « Legenda aurea »),  in discovering previously unknown texts (as James de Voragine’s collection Sermones de sanctis – Volumen diffusum (see ‘The Volumen Breve and the Volumen Diffusum of Iacobus de Voragine’s  Sermones de Sanctis: Their Mutual Relations, Manuscript Traditions and Tables of Contents’ in Filologia Mediolatina 21 (2014) pp. 247-324) and in recovering the MS 101 that disappeared from the abbey of Herzogenburg (Come si compone un leggendario. Il codice 101 di Herzogenburg, forthcoming).  With the same philological perspective, he worked on a critical edition of James de Voragine’s Legenda aurea (1 ed. Firenze 1998, 2 ed. with Italian translation and commentary Firenze 2007) and Sermones Quadragesimales  (Firenze 2005) and the editiones principes of Jean de Mailly’s Abbreviatio in gestis sanctorum and Philip Slane’s Libellus de descriptione Hibernie (Firenze 2017, forthcoming).  Moreover, he investigated the dynamics of hagiographic literature and its interactions in the social, cultural and religious fields. In this context he studied the preaching of the mendicant orders, and especially the Latin model sermons of the 13th century.

He also worked on the Medieval Otherworld visions; such as the tradition of St. Patrick’s Purgatory, of which he has analyzed the reciprocal influences between the literary tradition, the pilgrim reports and the purgatorial  rituals, in a monograph published with Paolo Taviani e Roberto Tinti (Il Purgatorio di san Patrizio, Firenze 2017).

He also dealt with the literary sources of the origins of the Franciscan Order (for the Pontifical Theological Faculty Antonianum of Rome and the Society of Franciscan Studies) and with medical and alchemical culture in the late Middle Ages (with Chiara Crisciani).

He has held international conferences in Europe, in US and in Latin America. He is a member of scientific associations and international research centers.


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