Name Vincenzo DI NUOSCIO 
SSD M/Fil-02 Logic and Philosophy of Science 
Research Interests Epistemology of the human and social sciences. In particular:
i) methodological individualism and the theory of rationality (Le ragioni degli individui, Rubbettino, 1996);

  1. ii) the relationship between evolutionary epistemology and cultural evolution (Epistemologia dell’azione e ordine sociale, Rubbettino, 2000; Spiegazione scientifica e relativismo culturale, Luiss University Press, 2004, con C.L. Hamlin e R. Boudon);

iii) the scientific explanation in historiography (Tucidide come Einstein?, Rubbettino, 2004);

  1. iv) the theory of rationality and the explanation of human action (Filosofia dell’azione e teoria della razionalità, Luiss University Press, 2005, con R. Boudon e P. Demeuleanere);
  2. v) the definition of an overall epistemological paradigm that integrates critical rationalism, methodological individualism, deductive-nomological model, hermeneutics and cultural evolution (Il mestiere dello scienziato sociale, Liguori, 2006; english translation, Philosophy of the social sciences, Bardwell Press, Oxford, 2017);
  3. vi) the epistemological defense of the reasons of intercultural dialogue (Epistemologia del dialogo, Carocci, 2011);

vii) the relationship between scientific explanation and hermeneutical theory in economics (Ermeneutica ed economia, Rubbettino, 2014);

viii) the epistemological reasons for the defense of freedom and democracy (Elogio della mente critica, Laterza, 2016).


Now he works on the theme: the epistemological foundations of democracy and the relationship between human sciences and democracy.


Keywords Critical rationalism, methodological individualism, explanation, rationality, hermeneutics, evolution, democracy. 
Public Engagement