Name | Aloisio ANTINORI |
SSD | ICAR/18 Architectural history |
Research Interests | Aloisio Antinori’s scientific interests focus on architectural and urban history in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and more specifically, within this wide research field, on the relationships between Rome and the other major cultural centres in Europe. Between 2010 and 2012, Aloisio Antinori was a research unit coordinator in the project «Libri, incisioni e immagini di architettura come fonti per il progetto: produzione, diffusione, uso» («Architectural Books and Prints as a Source for Design: Production, Circulation, Use»), awarded by the Italian Ministry of Education through a peer-review process (PRIN project), funded by the same Ministry and a pool of Italian Universities (Brescia, Messina, Molise, Palermo and Politecnico di Milano) and headed by Marco Rosario Nobile (Università degli Studi di Palermo). The results of the wide-ranging research work conducted by the unit coordinated by Aloisio Antinori, have been later published in the volume Studio di Architettura Civile. Gli atlanti di architettura moderna e la diffusione dei modelli romani nell’Europa del Settecento, edited by A. Antinori (Roma 2012, 2nd ed. 2013). This book, including essays written by nine renowned specialists from six European countries, obtained very favourable reviews in “Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians”, “Annali di architettura” and “Print Quarterly”.In 2014, Aloisio Antinori was invited to take part in an international project, coordinated by Sabine Frommel (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris), and Eckhard Leuschner (at the time Universität Erfurt, currently Universität Würzburg), on «Architektur- und Ornamentgraphik der frühen Neuzeit: Migrationsprozesse in Europa / Gravures d’architecture et d’ornement au début de l’époque modern: processus de migration en Europe». Antinori provided three contributions to the volume having the same title (Rome 2014). In late 2014, Aloisio Antinori was invited to be a chairman, as well as a speaker, in the one-day conference «L’eredità di Carlo Fontana» (Rome, 5 December 2014), organised by Svenska Institutet i Rom (The Swedish Institute of Classical Studies, Rome). In 2016, Aloisio Antinori was invited to join the scientific committee of the international conference «Servandoni et son temps. Architecture, peinture, spectacles» (Paris/Sens, 27-29 June 2016), organised by the Centre André Chastel (Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris IV) and the Labex Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe (Université Paris-Sorbonne – Paris I et IV, Université de
Nantes et École des Chartes). In the same conference he was also a speaker. During 2016, Aloisio Antinori has also conducted, in collaboration with the Fabbrica di San Pietro (Vatican City), an in-depth investigation on the history of the production of Carlo Fontana’s literary masterpiece, «Il Tempio Vaticano» (Roma 1694). The cutting-edge essay derived from this research work has already been accepted for publication by “The Burlington Magazine”, where it will appear within 2017. Recently, Aloisio Antinori has been invited to take part as a speaker in the international conference «Mazarin, Rome et l’Italie», organised by Yvan Loskoutoff (Université du Havre) in collaboration with the Bibliothèque Mazarine and the École des Chartes, and scheduled on 11-13 May 2017 in Paris. |
Keywords | Baroque architecture, Circulation of architectural models,Architectural treatises. |
Public Engagement |